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Acceleration of Thesis for Historical Science Study Program Students for Class of 2017

The average of study period taken by students of history in completing college is 5 years. In fact, many students graduated after 7 years. In 2020, our target is that in 4.9 years Historical Science Study Program students will be graduated." Yogyakarta – This was clearly stated by the Coordinator of the Historical Science Study Program Faculty of Social Sciences Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), Danar Widiyantana, M.Hum in his remarks, at the activity entitled "Acceleration of Thesis for Historical Science Study Program Students for Class of 2017". The Historical Science Study Program together with the Historical Science Study Program Students Association succeeded in holding the event in the Ki Hadjar Dewantara (KHD) Room of Faculty of Social Sciences UNY on Wednesday (12/02/2020) at 08.00 – 12.30 WIB. Counted 92 participants registered in the presence present at the event.
The event, which was attended by students of Historical Science Study Program from Class of 2013 to 2017and all of lecturers of the Historical Science Study Program. The event was started by Master of Ceremony. Then, remarks from the Head of the Historical Science Study Program, Danar Widiyantana, M.Hum, followed by remarks by the Deputy Dean 1 for Academic Affairs and Cooperation, Dr. Dyah Kumalasari, M.Pd in which at the same time was opening the event. In her remarks, Deputy Dean 1 said, "This activity is a program from the University which is intended to speed up the thesis work for 6th semester students and provide direction so that students have to think about their thesis". In addition, this event was filled with material about the motivation and direction to make a good and correct thesis by Danar Widiyantana, M.Hum., HY Agus Murdiyastomo, M.Hum., Ririn Darini, M.Hum. and also guided by Ita Mutiara Dewi, M.Si. as Moderator.
After the presentation of the material, the event was continued with a question and answer session about working on the student's thesis. In addition to questions and answers, the three presenters also told several unique stories to serve as motivation for students about their experiences while guiding "upper" students in their thesis. At 12.30 WIB, the event ended and was closed by the Master of Ceremony. One of the participants, Doni Agustio Wijaya (21) expressed his appreciation for the success of the activities launched by the Study Program this year. “The program was very useful and I learned a lot of lessons in preparing my thesis later.” said him as student of Class of 2017. The Historical Sciences Study Program students also thanked to all of the lecturers who had guided him so far. ((Muhammad Fachrul Rabul)
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