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Quality Assurance
. The standard setting activity which aims to determine the standard/measurement is carried out at the university level carried out by the management of UNY together with the Institute for Quality Assurance and Educational Development (LPPMP). As in universities in Indonesia, the higher education standards used by UNY refer to the National Higher Education Standards (SN Dikti) in Permenristekdikti no 44 of 2015 and the Higher Education Standards set by UNY with reference to the Vision, Mission and Institutional Goals. SN Dikti is used as the minimum standard that can be exceeded by universities. Meanwhile, the Higher Education Standards are set by UNY to be able to exceed the SN Dikti. The Higher Education standards set by UNY have been regulated in the UNY Chancellor's Regulation number 41 of 2019 concerning UNY's Internal Quality Assurance System in attachment III. Actually, in FIS there is still no legal document containing derivative standards from the SPMI UNY Standard. However, these derived standards have actually been prepared by the FIS manager and are set in the strategic goals written in the Strategic Plan.
Implementation. Standard implementation activities are intended to meet predetermined standards/measures carried out by all elements of the faculty in social sciences under the coordination of the manager of the Faculty of Social Sciences. The manager is assisted by the Quality Assurance Unit at the Faculty of Social Sciences to keep the implementation on track. The standard implementation plan has been documented by the FIS manager into the Faculty Strategic Plan which is valid for five years. Currently, the management plan has been set in the 2020-2025 FIS Strategic Plan.
In order to facilitate its implementation, the strategic strategic plan is reduced to a more technical annual plan (1 year) in the RKPT document. The RKPT document becomes more detailed because it also provides information on the budget for each program. The RKPT, which has been ratified at the beginning of the year, will become a reference for all elements in FIS when carrying out standard compliance activities. To monitor the process of meeting standards as well as the implementation of the RKPT is appropriate, every month a Faculty Coordination Meeting (RKF) is held. In addition, RKF becomes the fastest decision-making forum to handle unexpected conditions. Apart from the program in the RKPT document, employees in the FIS environment will also submit plans for meeting standards through the Employee Performance Target (SKP) service at the beginning of the year. The SKP that has been submitted will be assessed by the direct leadership first before being used as a work guide for the next 1 year.
The comparison activity between the outputs of standard compliance activities with the established standards (SN Dikti, SPMI UNY Standards, Strategic Plan & RKPT) in FIS is carried out in several mechanisms. This activity can be classified into three forms of evaluation, namely diagnostic, formative and summative. Diagnostic evaluation is carried out to analyze the causes of the emergence of obstacles in the implementation of the standards that have been set. This activity is carried out by FIS managers and sometimes involves Study Program officials, up to all Lecturers at FIS. While at the study program level, this activity is carried out by Study Program officials in this case the Head and Secretary of the Department. Formative evaluation is carried out to improve the implementation of standards. This activity in the faculty is coordinated by the FIS manager (Dean, WD for Academic Affairs and Cooperation, WD for General and Finance, and WD for Student Affairs and alumni), while in the study program by study program officials (Chairman and Secretary of the Department). In action, these two evaluations are generally held in regular meetings held at the faculty (RKF) and study programs. Meanwhile, systemically, these two activities are carried out using a monitoring and evaluation system that has been developed by UNY. The system that has been built ( focuses on diagnosing and optimizing the implementation of achieving standards in learning through surveys aimed at students as beneficiaries. This activity is carried out twice a semester at the beginning and end.
Summative evaluation is carried out when the implementation of all higher education standards has been completed, so that achievements can be measured and improvements can be made for the next cycle. The summative evaluation process begins with uploading evidence of the implementation of the standard attainment by the study program into the internal audit system of UNY ( After the evidence has been uploaded, the auditor who has been assigned by the UNY Quality Assurance Institute conducts a document audit process first. After conducting a document audit, the auditor together with the auditee conducts a field audit process and prepares an audit report.
Control of the cause analysis activities of the standard/measurement cannot be achieved for corrective action to be carried out through the Management Review Meeting (RTM). RTM also marks the end of the summative evaluation process which was held to address the results of the internal audit reports and accreditation. RTM in FIS is generally carried out in regular monthly meetings held by Study Programs. In addition to internal audits, a summative evaluation is also carried out by involving stakeholders. This activity is carried out through a satisfaction survey ( aimed at lecturers, staff, graduate users, service partners, research partners and FIS PkM. As the owner of the resource, the FIS manager is responsible for conducting the RTM of the satisfaction survey.
Improvement of standard improvement activities so that they are higher than the set standards are carried out at the end of each cycle based on the results of the control cycle or management review meeting with alternative recommendations for corrective & preventive action status, follow-up to previous reviews, changes to the quality management system and recommendations for improvement, providing guidance to management to prove their commitment to the quality management system by conducting periodic and continuous evaluations of the quality management system related to the quality policy, quality objectives and customer satisfaction.
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Prodi Ilmu Sejarah, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Hukum, Dan Ilmu Politik - Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
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