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General Assembly of the Historical Science StudentsAssociation (Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu Sejarah or HMIS)
HMIS is a forum for historical science study program students to develop themselves in organization and socialization, the General Assembly of the HMIS FIS UNY is a routine agenda held in the context of the handover of positions from the previous HMIS management board to the next HMIS management board candidate. This trial was named the General Assembly of the Historical Science Students Association, Faculty of Social Sciences, UNY, which was later called SU HMIS FIS UNY.
SU HMIS FIS UNY is the highest forum for students at the Historical Science Students Association level, Faculty of Social Science UNY. This General Assembly is also an opportunity for students, especially prospective HMIS administrators to find out more about the vision and mission as well as the goals of the establishment of HMIS, as a means of evaluation for HMIS administrators to correct the management and work program of HMIS. This general assembly was attended by Lecturers from the Faculty of Social Sciences UNY, representatives from the Student Organizations of the Faculty of Social Sciences, members from each division of the HMIS as well as Alumni and Historical Science Students who are interested and want to participate in the trial. The General Session of the HMIS was held for 2 days, the first day starting at 07.30 WIB. The remarks were delivered by Mauliditya Sunu Pratama as the Chair of the Committee, remarks by Flamboyan Dwi Cahyo as the Chair of HMIS, remarks by Kuncoro Hadi, S.S., M.A. as the supervisor of the activity and at the same time opening the event.
Bachelor of History, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Address: Jl. Colombo Yogyakarta No. 1
Telp: 0274-548202
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